How to Deal with Societal and Parental Pressures

Dealing with societal and parental pressures, as well as strategies for overcoming CAT anxiety and pressure

As a student, you may feel under a lot of pressure to do well. Pressure to achieve may come from various places, including CAT examinations and music classes, the sports field and beyond.

If you're under pressure from an outside source that makes you feel nervous or worried, you must recognize it and develop strategies to deal with it. Here are some suggestions for coping with stress.

Pressure and expectations come from a variety of sources, the majority of which are placed on you by people who care about you and want you to succeed. Parents, friends, instructors, coaches, relatives, teammates, and even you may bring tension and worry to your life.

What are some methods to cope with societal pressure?

Social stress is the outcome of a person's social surroundings and connections with others. People who are exposed to excessive social stress may develop symptoms such as headaches, a racing heart, dizziness, a tightening sensation in the lungs, sadness, and extreme anxiety. For many, it's a source of stress that never seems to go away, and the symptoms just become a part of life.

What is the root of the problem?

So, what's the deal with the sudden increase in social anxiety? Most specialists feel it's because of the large number of social contexts we're exposed to on a daily basis. We are not just more sociable than ever before, but we are doing so in all the wrong ways and with very little control over the situation, leading to even more stress. We used to be sociable only when we went out of our way to do so. On the other hand, our social environments were often peaceful and familiar. We continuously put ourselves into chaotic and unfamiliar social environments in today's society, commonly known as social media. Constantly changing statuses, scathing comments, never-ending comparisons, and doom-and-gloom media headlines are causing havoc on our emotional and mental health.

How Do We Deal with It?

Having a social life is really beneficial to our health. By nature, we are sociable animals that yearn for company and camaraderie. However, if you're feeling overwhelmed in this area, you should definitely take a break. Turn off Facebook and Twitter, log out of Reddit, and meet together with your closest friends and relatives in person. Face-to-face connections, not the internet world, are what people yearn for. This enables us to relax and de-stress until we're ready to return to the realm of social media.

Is it necessary for us to give up everything?

Because we now spend so much of our time on and via social media, it might be a difficult thought to consider giving it up. However, there's good news: you don't have to. All you have to do now is discover how to strike the perfect balance. That's why taking a step back might help you reframe your thoughts. To safeguard your physical and emotional health in the long term, give it some time, separate yourself, and control your social stress.

Take care of yourself.

Taking care of your health might make you feel more capable of dealing with stress. Different things will work for different individuals, but here are a few suggestions to get you started:

Be kind to yourself- Learning to be nicer to yourself may help you feel better in a variety of circumstances. Make time throughout your day to do activities you like. Also, congratulate yourself on your accomplishments, no matter how little they may seem.

Make an effort to relax- If you are unable to change a circumstance that is causing you stress, this may be difficult. However, if you can take a brief break, it will make you feel better. Some relaxing suggestions and exercises may be found in our relaxation section.

Develop your hobbies and interests- Spending time doing activities you like might help you escape a difficult circumstance. Shared activities may also be a fantastic approach to meeting new people if stress is making you feel lonely or isolated.

Spend time in the great outdoors- This may aid in the reduction of stress and the enhancement of overall well-being. You may try taking a stroll in a park, caring for indoor plants, or spending time with animals. More information may be found in our nature and mental health sections.

Take care of your physical well-being- Stress may be reduced by getting adequate sleep, remaining physically active, and eating a well-balanced diet. These items might be tough to care for while you're stressed. Small modifications, on the other hand, may have a tremendous impact.

How do you cope with parental pressure?

For their children, parents want the best for them. They often fantasize about their children entering the greatest institutions and landing well-paying jobs in contemporary society. They labour and earn money in order to provide for their kid. While a stable and pleasant home setting is regarded as essential for healthy development and growth, there is a delicate line between caring and over-caring. Parental pressure has resulted in some of the most heinous instances.

One can only imagine the difficulties the youngster faces. Many parents want their kids to be the best in class and the best student in school. This is not bad in the sense that we should strive high in order to fulfil our full potential. However, a proverb goes something like this: "A chicken has the ability to run, canoodle, play, and eat. It may take pleasure in the time it has. However, if it attempts to fly, it will only disappoint itself ".

Even the best intentions may go awry when kids are held to such high standards. Children are expected to do well in school in order to please their parents. But what happens if they are unable to perform because of unrealistic expectations? A parent may now maintain track of their child's academic performance, assignments, levels, and reports in this new age.

Some parents stress over these scores to the point that the desire for their kid to attain the highest score takes precedence over everything else. Stress and anxiety are caused by parental pressure. The youngster is constantly buried in books, agitated, anxious, and afraid of failure. Excessive pressure may lead to sleep deprivation, eating problems, excessive anxiety, infidelity, burnout, lack of interest in activities, and detachment from friends and family.

The adolescent years are a period of mental and physical transition for a youngster. Their need to fit into society and their desire to be pretty or academically competent will rise. Parental pressure may cause a breakdown since parents are their backbone in helping them get through this difficult moment. Standardized examinations abound at school, and children are often expected to do up to four or five hours of homework each night. This often leads parents to believe that they need to keep an eye on their children's development, ideally by intruding into their social lives and gazing over their shoulders as they study. Such high expectations and pressure may induce blood pressure issues in the youngster.

They may get more fatigued and disconnected as time goes on. They aren't going to win every game, and they aren't going to score well every time. This causes dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, and a negative self-image. Parents typically push their children to be all-rounders, so youngsters are more often victims than success stories.

If the situation continues, we must seek a solution. So, how do you cope with parental pressure? Check it out!


The rule of nature dictates that you respond to the act you are given! One of the most essential deciding factors of the pressure you experience is derived from this. It is consequently in your best interests to reach an agreement with your parents on a few points. Remember that you and your parents are not at odds and are constantly concerned about your well-being. Consider their suggestions and make adjustments as needed.


Don't react too quickly.

First and foremost, it is absolutely OK to feel irritable. You can never be a perfectionist and yet be considered legitimate. Controlling your anger and manipulating your response, on the other hand, is entirely up to you. Yes, indeed! Take care not to overreact. Be a good listener and have a little patience. Your parent will surely reconsider their parenting methods if you show yourself as a peaceful soul.



Communication is one of the USPs for overcoming even the most difficult of crises. They are your own parents, your family, and they have no intention of bringing you down, even in their wildest dreams. Maybe it's simply an age gap that's widening, and the only way to bridge it is to communicate! Spend time with your parents and become friends with them. Make an effort to comprehend them and establish a feeling of trust on your part. Any parent has several concerns regarding their children, and all that is expected of you is to address them. You've already completed half of the work when you form a strong relationship with your parents.


Keep a Positive Attitude

Yes, there will be occasions when the debates reach a new level of intensity. In this case, your temperament will be a decisive element in how you respond to parental pressure. You must keep an optimistic attitude. During this period, try to focus on the good aspects of your surroundings. Once you begin to look for the good aspects of everything, you will notice that your stress level gradually decreases.


Do not deceive yourself.

If your parents despise receiving anything from you, it's because of the falsehoods you tell. Take a look back, and you'll see that all of the limitations and limits were placed on you only as a result of the falsehoods that were discovered! Avoid lying if it is hurting your connection with them and, as a result, your life. Any relationship's foundation is built on trust, and it is up to you to maintain it.



Outside pressure may detract from the enjoyment of your favourite hobbies while also making learning more difficult. If you're under duress, speak to someone you can trust and take action to ease the stress before you explode. Anxiety rises when you are constantly studying and don't have any leisure time. Allow yourself some alone time. Take a stroll or listen to some music. This will significantly lower your stress levels.

Have a sense of you. The feeling of delight allows you to enjoy the test more than if you were under a lot of pressure. I understand how difficult it is to eliminate all pressure while taking a competitive test. The more you learn to deal with pressure, the better the results will be. Taking a lot of practice examinations to improve your ability to tolerate pressure improves your CAT scores. It is critical to minimize the pressure factors as much as possible and to enjoy both the preparation and the exam-taking portions of the process. Best wishes for CAT.