Quadratic Equations

An equation is a statement connecting two expressions by an equality sign. A polynomial is an algebraic expression whose variable powers are whole numbers. A quadratic equation is a second-order polynomial equation in one variable in the form of ax2+bx+c=0, where a,b are real number constants and a0.

Quadratic Equation Definition

A second-order polynomial equation in one variable in the form ax2+bx+c=0, where a,b are real number constants and a0 is called a quadratic equation. The standard form of a quadratic equation is ax2+bx+c=0
For example, 3x2+2x+1=0, 3x2-2x+1=0, 3x2+1=0, 3x2+2x=0, 3x2=5

The quadratic expressions can be of three types: ax^2+c,ax^2+bx,ax^2+bx+c.

Roots of a Quadratic Equation

As the degree of a quadratic equation is 2, there will be at most 2 roots for a quadratic equation. The roots of the equation can be found using various methods like

  • Factorisation

We can factorise the polynomial ax2+bx+c in the form a(x-α)(x-β)α and β are the roots of the equation.

  • Completing the square method

An expression of the form (x+p)2 is a perfect square. We can convert a given quadratic equation into a perfect square as below:


  • Quadratic formula

The value of x can be found using the quadratic formula as x=-b±b2-4ac2a
Here, α=-b+b2-4ac2a and β=-b-b2-4ac2a

Graph of a Quadratic Equation

All quadratic functions can be plotted on a two-dimensional plane by finding their value for x.

Since quadratic is a second-order function, the shape of the graph will be a parabola.

For a quadratic equation in the form ax2+bx+c=0, the opening of the curve will be dependent on the leading coefficient, that is, the coefficient of x2.

If a>0, then the curve will open upwards

If a<0, then the curve will open downwards

Minimum and Maximum Value of a Quadratic Function

A quadratic function's maximum and minimum value will be at the vertex of the graph. The points are shown below:

If a>0, then the function will have a minimum point. If a<0, then the function will have a maximum point. The x-coordinate of the vertex of the graph can be found as


k can be found by substituting h for x in ax2+bx+c.

The maximum and minimum values of a quadratic equation can be found by completing the square method.

Case 1: a>0

As ax+b2a2is either positive or 0, the minimum value of ax2+bx+c occurs when x+b2a2is 0. Hence, the minimum value of the function is c-b24a2.

Case 2: a<0

As ax+b2a2 is either negative or 0, the maximum value of ax2+bx+c occurs when ax+b2a2 is 0. Hence, the maximum value of the function is c-b24a2.

Nature of Roots of Quadratic Equation

The nature of the roots of a quadratic equation can be identified before finding the roots. We can check that by observing the discriminant.
For a quadratic equation in standard form

The discriminant =b2-4ac

  • If >0, then the function has two real distinct roots
  • If =0, then the function has two real equal roots
  • If <0, then the function has two imaginary roots
  • If is a perfect square, then the roots will be rational and unequal.

The points where the graph touches the x-axis depend on the values of x.
If the x is real, the graph touches at most two points on x-axis.
If x is 0, then the graph touches the x-axis at only one point.
If x is imaginary, then the graph will not touch x-axis at any points.

When a>0, all the graphs will open upwards for the three conditions of the discriminant.

When a<0, all the graphs will open upwards for the three conditions of the discriminant.

If a>0, the value of a(x-α)(x-β) is

  • 0, when x=α or β
  • Negative, when x lies between α and β
  • Positive otherwise

The minimum value of the expression occurs at x=α+β2

If a<0, the value of a(x-α)(x-β) is

  • 0, when x=α or β
  • Positive, when x lies between α and β
  • Negative otherwise

The maximum value of the expression occurs at x=α+β2

The expression a(x-α)(x-β) always have the same sign as a, except when x lies between α and β, where α and β area real values of intercepts on the x-axis. If α and β are the roots of the quadratic equation, then the value of the quadratic expression changes sign only when the curve crosses the x-axis. As the curve crosses the x-axis at the point where its value becomes zero, the curve changes sign at α, where aα2+bα+c=0.

The coefficients of the quadratic equation can hint at the roots of the equation. For the equation ax2+bx+c=0,
  • If b=0, the roots are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign

  • If a=c, the roots are reciprocals of each other
  • If a and c have the same sign, but b has the opposite sign, the roots are positive
  • If a and b have the same sign, but c has the opposite sign, the roots have opposite signs.

Sum and Products of the Roots of the Quadratic Equation

We can factorise the polynomial ax2+bx+c in the form a(x-α)(x-β).

Then, if ax2+bx+c=a(x-α)(x-β)=ax2-a(α+β)+aαβ

⇒ The sum of the roots of the quadratic equation, α+β=-ba
And the product of the roots of the quadratic equation αβ=ca

Solved Examples

Q1. Find the number of real roots of the equation x2+x+1=0.

Ans: To find the nature of the roots, we need to find the discriminant of the function.
Discriminant =b2-4ac
Here, a=1, b=1 and c=1
Since the discriminant is less than 0, the two roots will be imaginary; hence, there will be no real roots for the given function.

Q2. Find the roots of the equation x2-5x+5=0 using the quadratic formula.

Ans: The roots of the quadratic equation can be found by the quadratic method as x=-b±b2-4ac2a
Here, a=1, b=-5, c=5
Hence, the roots are α=-1+52 and β=-1-52

Q3. For a quadratic equation of x2-10x+25, will there be a maximum or minimum value? Find the value.

Ans: We can see that the leading coefficient a>0, and so the graph of the function will be opening upwards and hence the function will have a minimum value.
We can factorise the given quadratic equation as x2-10x+25=x2-2×5x+52=(x-5)2=(x-5)(x-5)
Now the function is in the form a(x-α)(x-β)
The minimum value of the expression occurs at x=α+β2=5+52=5
The y coordinate can be found by substituting 5 instead of x in the equation, and we get y=0
Hence, the minimum value of the function occurs at (5,0).