Topper Handwritten Notes

Taking notes involves more than merely recording everything you hear or read. It is a process of going through, bringing together, and summarizing concepts from your readings or lectures. Making notes helps you grasp what you are studying, recall the subject, organize your ideas and create connections, review and revise easily before tests, and stay active and involved during your lectures, reading, and revision.

Nowadays, a lot of students prefer using laptops to take notes in their classrooms as alternative to using pens and paper. More words can be written when taking notes on a computer, however numerous studies suggest that this may not be as advantageous for the note taker as it might seem. When taking notes on a computer, students frequently copy information directly from the source rather than expressing it in their own words. Handwritten notes promote greater information encoding, which enhances test performance. Those who make their notes by hand are compelled to interpret the information and explain it in their own words because scribbling notes by hand is a slower procedure. Students who take notes by hand are better able to comprehend the material.

The toppers study materials are something which every aspirant look forward to. Everyone used to be amused how they make note of everything. Here, we provide our topers notes for your reference on how to make notes and learn with them.

Click the link below to download the notes pdf: 

Make good notes and have a happy learning.